Cyclone - Cinema Aalst

zaterdag, 15 april, 2023

Event: Cyclone - Cinema Aalst


Headliner: Cyclone

Voorprogramma: Liar, Sanity's Rage, Piron


Prijs: vvk: 24,00 EUR / Kassa: 29,00 EUR

Locatie (zaal): Cinema

Adres: Hopmarkt 13, Aalst

Meer info: deuren open: 19:00, aanvang: 19:30

Who needs Belpop, when you can enjoy goddamn Belgian metal legends Cyclone, Liar, Piron & one more to be announced.

Oh, and to clear the air, if all the above does not appeal to you, but going all out on an oldfashioned metal/hardcore show in good old Cinema is your thing, you are more than welcome to join the party!