Geen Good Charlotte op Pukkelpop wegens cancel tournee

Good Charlotte zegt hun zomertournee af. Daarbij hoorde ook Pukkelpop.

De reden waarom Good Charlotte hun zomertournee afzegt lijkt om familiale redenen: 

"GC fans everywhere, it is with great disappointment that we have to announce the cancellation of our remaining summer tour dates. This year has been one of the most challenging years for our band, as we’ve been dealing with very personal and unexpected loss in our family. We have to take the time to focus on our families and our well being.

Thank you for the love and support you’ve given us, we hope you know the genuine appreciation we have for you all. We hope to see you all very soon. Love, GC"

Ook Pukkelpop behoorde tot de tourdata, het festival moet dus op zoek naar een vervangende act.

Pukkelpop gaat in 2019 door van 15 tot en met 18 augustus.

Meer info over dit festival: 