Emmure heeft nieuw album klaar

Ze hebben niet stil gezeten, de bandleden van Emmure. Ze kondigen vandaag hun nieuw album aan en brengen een nieuwe single uit.

Op hun nieuw album is het nog eventjes wachten, maar de fans toch al een beetje warm te maken brengt de band Emmure vandaag Uncontrollable Descent uit. 'Hindsight', het nieuwe album, zal pas verschijnen op 26 juni met het platenlabel Sharptone Records. 

Check the single: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCOfAz2zcwM

Emmure heeft een aparte manier van werken. Elke keer opnieuw laten ze de muziek spreken, dit is ook nu niet anders. 'Hindsight' is het vierde album dat de band zal uitbrengen. De single is niet alleen te horen via Youtube, maar ook te streamen via Apple music, Spotify en meer. Uncontrollable Descent is de opvolger van Pig's Ear en Gypsy Disco die ze al eerder uitbrachten.

lead vocalist Frankie Palmeri:"The label asked me to attach a quote about the new album and this new single so that there can be some words to chew on as this press release goes out. I am not sure what to say. I simply hope the fans enjoy the song as much as we do and look forward to the full album releasing this year. Beyond that, I don't believe in explaining what the music is supposed to be about. In fact, I consider it creatively bankrupt to rob people of a chance to experience, dissect and create their own unique ownership of what a song potentially represents to them. I want people to hear the music and take away whatever feeling they want. If an artist is outright telling you why a song or album was written, not only do I personally find it pretentious, but they might as well spoon feed you your meals and pick out your clothes for you, since you're clearly incapable of thinking for yourself. What makes explaining it even worse than what I already mentioned, is that the message within is literally and figuratively already spelled out for you, so if you can't figure it out or at the very least surmise your own explanation, then you're better off just reading a dictionary if you're too lazy discover the meaning in something for yourself".

'Hindsight' vervolgt de creatieve samenwerking tussen zanger van de band Frankie Palmeri en gitarist Joshua Travis, wie in 2017 versie energie pompte in 'Look at yourself'.

Tracklist van hun nieuwe album:

  1. (F)inally (U)nderstanding (N)othing
  2. Trash Folder
  3. Pig's Ear
  4. Gypsy Disco
  5. I've Scene God
  6. Persona Non Grata
  7. Thunder Mouth
  8. Pan's Dream
  9. 203
  10. Informal Butterflies
  11. Action
  12. Bastard Ritual
  13. Uncontrollable Descent

