Event in de kijker: Cellardoor EP "This Too Shall Pass" release show @ Nocturna, Hasselt
Het Belgische Cellardoor dat rauwe metalcore brengt doordrenkt in nu metal komt hun nieuwe EP "This Too Shall Pass" voorstellen in café Nocturna (Witte Non) in Hasselt aanstaande zaterdag, samen met de Britse brutal death metal band Ingested met als support Out Of The Blue (beatdown/hardcore) en Lintworm(Powerviolence).
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CellarDoor is a Belgian 4-piece that started in 2020. Founded by Strains/Essence guitarist 'Stein Davidts'. The line up exists out of; Stein Davidts (Guitar), Gilles Derijcke (Vocals), Michiel Vetters (Drums), Jordy Ceuppens (Bass). Their first album is a concept album, and revolves around the 7 Deadly sins. There are 9 tracks on the album, representing the 9 circles of Hell. The album is very heavy and melodic at the same time. The songs are short and sweet, and absolute bangers. There are a lot of breakdowns, grooves, and themes of depression, suicide, and satanism. CellarDoor relies heavy on imagery and to see them live is an absolute experience. The Strong songs and stage presence makes sure that CellarDoor checks off all the boxes. This saturday they are ready to unleash their new EP "This Too Shall Pass" upon the masses!
Not many top-tier death metal bands can record and release an album a year and follow it with an extensive tour. That’s hardly ever been the case for Manchester, England’s crushing, visceral Ingested. Since the release of their fifth album, 2020′s Where Only God May Tread, the band has been on a creative tear that has produced almost a full record every year – even through the COVID pandemic – but has resulted in the kind of musical growth that only comes from constantly practicing, playing, and writing.
The band’s new album, The Tide of Death and Fractured Dreams, is not only as innovative and brutal as their last disc, the bleak, firestorm Ashes Lie Still, it showcases a band willing to expand its creativity without sacrificing the ferocity that made it one of the most impressively destructive, technical death metal bands on the scene. The Tide of Death and Fractured Dreams is proof that once Ingested sniff out a trail of musical blood, they ravenously follow it until they’ve uncovered a festering feast.
Out Of The Blue HC
Heavy hardcore band from the Netherlands and Belgium! With heavy riffs, nasty 2-piece vocals and beatdown breakdowns!
Epileptic speeds and rancid vocals, this parasite brings an as noisy as possible variant of powerviolence. After their shows you’ll crawl home - or to your closest physiotherapist. Be prepared for demonic animal noises, deafening feedback and everything naughty. Don't expect any attempt of nuance, this parasite quickly infects everything and everyone. With a successful release show, aftershow for Knocked Loose and Deafheaven in Trix and with Ieperfest in their sights, Lintworm released their debut album in march on Genet Records.