Lamb Of God en Blues Pills stellen album uit
Het covid-19 virus begint ook de muziekproductie en distributie te impacteren. Vandaag maakte label Nuclear Blast bekend dat hun bands Lamb Of God en Blues Pills hun nieuwe albums uitstellen.
Zowel Lamb Of God en Blues Pills stellen de release van hun nieuw album uit. De nieuwe Lamb Of God zou op 8 mei uitkomen, maar dat wordt verplaatst naar 19 juni. Ze brengen wel deze donderdag een nieuwe single uit. Blues Pills zou dan weer hun album 'Holy Moly' uitbrengen op 19 juni, maar stelt dat voor onbepaalde duur uit.
Statement Lamb Of God: "Regrettably, we have to announce that the release date for our upcoming self-titled album is being moved five weeks, to June 19th. We're in extraordinary times due to the current global reality and the delay of shipments of all-but essential goods needed in the fight against COVID-19. After talks with our labels, there is no other option than to delay the release so that fans who pre-ordered the album can receive the record they paid for.
We appreciate your patience during these times – a global pandemic is not something people in the music industry usually take into account when scheduling album releases, but as you know, this thing has affected everyone across the board, and we are no exception.
We will, however, be releasing a new song, "New Colossal Hate", this Thursday, April 23rd and plan to release a 4th song from the album before the full album is released in June.
Thank you for your understanding.
Wash your damn hands, let us know what you think of the new tunes, and see you on the road sometime!"
Statement Blues Pills: "It's with a heavy heart that we must tell you that our new album "Holy Moly!" must be postponed. Due to the situation with Covid-19 it's impossible for us to go on with this album release according to plan. Festival after festival is getting canceled, borders are closed and we feel we cannot go on with this release to make it the best. We put so much into this, over a year of hard work in our own studio and we miss you fans out there SO much. This situation breaks our hearts, we were excited to share this with you. The album, the festivals, the upcoming tours. We hope to have more information during the next week. But the album will be released, we're just pushing the release date and we're still thinking if we should go on releasing singles but over a longer time. Or take a break and continue the release when we decided when the album will be released. We want to share this with you so bad, and we will. But now the most important is to take care of each other. Stay strong, stay healthy. Support bands and artists you like, keep the rock rolling.